Τετάρτη 6 Φεβρουαρίου 2013

Fyllo leftovers=Instant cheese pies

Ok, the family wants spinach pie (spanakopita) today.

I take out my movable surface ("plastiri") and my rolling pins to make the fyllo.
The long one is called "verga" and I use it to make very thin fyllo, for Baklava. The short one "plastis" works better for pies.

I assemble the pie, but the fillo is always larger than the baking tray so I have to cut it.

However I don't throw away those small pieces. Some times I cut them in stripes, sprinkle them with coarse sea salt and sesame and bake saltted cookies.

Most of the times I knead them again and roll out a smaller fyllo.
I add some feta cheese crumbles, a little paprica and oregano.

Then I brush the edges with some water and fold it in the sape of an envelope.
I fry it for a few minutes in a little olive oil, and voila! something to eat until the big tray comes out of the oven!

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